
Sunday, August 31, 2008

First week in Shanghai Singapore International School (SSIS)

Hi everyone!

I am sorry that I have been 'dead' on my blog for the past week or so.

As many of you know, 25 Aug is the first day of school for me (BTW, Happy belated Birthday Shi JIe!)). I was busy preparing for my lessons and getting to know my students. In a new school and new environment, I am on my own. So, it took me awhile to charm some colleagues and befriend them!

I am quite optimistic with my new school and my new life ahead. There is some difference between China and Singapore. I am still adjusting. Luckily, I can speak mandarin and read chinese, that makes it easier for me. I am also the translator for my caucasian colleagues. Very soon, I will start charging for my service!

I must tell you this: the bilingual education system in Singapore is a wonderful thing. Because of my bilingual ability, we are able to communiacate with the westerners and the local chinese, we are their bridge. Sinagporeans also earn respect from both sides because of this.

Another wonderful thing is our mathematics background. Singaporean teachers are like walking calculators. When we go out as a group, our caucasian colleagues will wait for us to figure out the bills, the change we get back from the bill, the exchange rate, etc. They are very impressed with the way we count.

Sorry to sound like a singapore education preacher. But, I am proud to be a Singaporean teacher!

Alright, will update you soon. Hopefully, you guys get to see my new apartment soon!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The historical watertown - Zhu Jia Jiao

Today, we visited the infamous historical watertown - Zhu Jia Jiao.
We were told that this watertown is already 3000 years old!!

The impressive part is how well the buildings are preserved and I was amazed with how the residents balance the old and the new in this town.

In this watertown, people live in the rows of houses along the river. They rely on the river to provide them with water for consumption, food, washing, etc.

Many years back, the government converted this watertown into a tourists' attraction. All the houses became tourist shops.

What I see now is a very commercialised town. The streets are clean, the shops sell souvenirs, and the restaurants are air-conditioned. I would not say that this is a bad thing as tourism provides means of living for the residents. But somehow the beauty of this commercialised town does not appeal to me as much as I wish...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Air pollution in Shanghai

Shanghai is a big city. It is modern, urbanised and well-developed.
Urbanization brought about improved economy and upgraded the lifestyles of the Chinese.
It also brought about the rise in pollution.

The place I live in, Sunisland, is located at the outskirt of Shanghai. I do not see or feel the ill effect of the pollution.

However, when we visit the inner ring of Shanghai, where the heavy industires are located, this is what we get...

The air is so bad that we can't really see the buildings ahead.

It takes me 5 seconds to decide that I don't want to be there. So I have decided that when I look for an apartment, I will be away from the city area.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Glimpse of Miss Chui in Shanghai !!!

My home on Sunisland Resort in Shanghai!

I am staying in one of the eight rooms available in each chalet.

The scenery is great and I am away from the polluted air in the main city!

Peaceful and scenic, isn't it?

My room !!!!

Hi, everyone, today is my second day in Shanghai. Everything is doing fine.

I am very comfortable in my room and very happy here.

I shall tell you more about my school in my next entry!

Monday, August 11, 2008

4G's (very thick) Class T-shirt

I met 10 pupils from 4G, 2008 and they handed me this very thick class t-shirt, or should I call call it a sweater. Warm my body and my heart...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Height does not matter !!!!!!!!!!!

Eugene Ng (the tallest student)
Miss Chui (the shortest teacher)

As the saying goes: 'A picture speaks a thousand words'....

Monday, August 4, 2008

Farewell at GESS

I was looking through the gifts from my students and colleagues and found each gift to be special and touching.

I love to read the letters and cards given. When I read the words, sweet memories of the happy days in GESS just flow through my mind.

I felt happy that, in one way or another, I made a difference in some of my students' lives. There were things mentioned that I don't even remember anymore, yet they had such great impact on others. No matter what, I was glad that I did what I did. As my actions served a good purpose.

Goodbye, everyone in GESS. You will be missed!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Last couple of days in sunny Singapore...

Today is Day 1 of my last 12 days in Singapore before my new life in Shanghai...

I am busy packing my clothes, books and other items in my luggage.