First week in Shanghai Singapore International School (SSIS)
Hi everyone!
I am sorry that I have been 'dead' on my blog for the past week or so.
As many of you know, 25 Aug is the first day of school for me (BTW, Happy belated Birthday Shi JIe!)). I was busy preparing for my lessons and getting to know my students. In a new school and new environment, I am on my own. So, it took me awhile to charm some colleagues and befriend them!
I am quite optimistic with my new school and my new life ahead. There is some difference between China and Singapore. I am still adjusting. Luckily, I can speak mandarin and read chinese, that makes it easier for me. I am also the translator for my caucasian colleagues. Very soon, I will start charging for my service!
I must tell you this: the bilingual education system in Singapore is a wonderful thing. Because of my bilingual ability, we are able to communiacate with the westerners and the local chinese, we are their bridge. Sinagporeans also earn respect from both sides because of this.
Another wonderful thing is our mathematics background. Singaporean teachers are like walking calculators. When we go out as a group, our caucasian colleagues will wait for us to figure out the bills, the change we get back from the bill, the exchange rate, etc. They are very impressed with the way we count.
Sorry to sound like a singapore education preacher. But, I am proud to be a Singaporean teacher!
Alright, will update you soon. Hopefully, you guys get to see my new apartment soon!
I am sorry that I have been 'dead' on my blog for the past week or so.
As many of you know, 25 Aug is the first day of school for me (BTW, Happy belated Birthday Shi JIe!)). I was busy preparing for my lessons and getting to know my students. In a new school and new environment, I am on my own. So, it took me awhile to charm some colleagues and befriend them!
I am quite optimistic with my new school and my new life ahead. There is some difference between China and Singapore. I am still adjusting. Luckily, I can speak mandarin and read chinese, that makes it easier for me. I am also the translator for my caucasian colleagues. Very soon, I will start charging for my service!
I must tell you this: the bilingual education system in Singapore is a wonderful thing. Because of my bilingual ability, we are able to communiacate with the westerners and the local chinese, we are their bridge. Sinagporeans also earn respect from both sides because of this.
Another wonderful thing is our mathematics background. Singaporean teachers are like walking calculators. When we go out as a group, our caucasian colleagues will wait for us to figure out the bills, the change we get back from the bill, the exchange rate, etc. They are very impressed with the way we count.
Sorry to sound like a singapore education preacher. But, I am proud to be a Singaporean teacher!
Alright, will update you soon. Hopefully, you guys get to see my new apartment soon!
Hey ms chui!!! still remember me boon long from 2d05~ surprising sia u go SSIS, i last time actually wann go there study oso...but pricing high and i tink no hostel or something...i now in ningbo(u shd noe where i tink...the hangzhou wan bridge connect to my place) studying international school oso! can email me at, will be great to hear news from u =)
Sky, At
September 5, 2008 at 7:36 PM
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